Welcome aboard Spacesteader One, humanity's last refuge from extinction. Cast from a dying Earth, this first of thirteen planned missions left our solar system carrying teams of cryogenically stored spacesteaders expecting eons of peaceful sleep. Instead, Commander Anna Martinez awakens to a blaring alarm and a dozen brutal murders. Is this a sabotage perpetrated by the two cult members suspected of posing as spacesteaders, a secretive coalition committed to preventing humankind from polluting other worlds? Or is it a burgeoning mutiny by the powerful mobile androids -- aka Mandroids -- a dexterous ensemble left tending the ship for seventy years as the crew lay sleeping? These two devoted factions may even share a common goal. Find out as you venture the depths of human conflict aboard Spacesteader One.
Readers of the best sci fi novels and best fantasy books of all time agree that The Crystal Labyrinth, Spacesteader One and Son of Man by Michael Trotta set new standards for science fiction ebooks and science fiction books for teens and adults. Best Science Fiction Books .